Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pinterest Alphabet, Week 1: "A" is for...

Hi there!

Yes, I know, this post is late. But at least my "A" project itself was finished by Sunday night (my self-imposed project deadline for each week)! Sticking to my deadline for posting each week's result (also Sunday night) is a work in progress, but hey, I'm doing it now before this week is half-over. 

One change at a time. :)

So, last week, I decided to kick off this Pinterest Alphabet game with an "A" themed project. And, the winner was... an "admit one" shadow box with all of my old ticket stubs! My favorite part about this project is that I now have one less pile of stuff sitting on the floor of my guest room. Don't worry! I still have many other piles to sort through, so I won't be running out of organization-based projects anytime soon. 

Here it is!

Now, anytime I have a new stub that I want to keep, I can just place it in here and keep growing the collection. I guess that means Husband and I need to add some concerts and events to our calendar! :)

Since I'm already well into Week 2 - a "B" week - I need to pick a new project. I think I know which one I want to tackle, but we'll just have to wait and see how this week goes... I might have to find a less intensive project, since I'm planing on heading out to the coast for the weekend. Yes, that's what we do in Oregon; rain or shine, we'll still head out to the beach for a quick break from the 'Burb life. I'll bring a rain coat, but like a true Oregonian, I'll leave my umbrella at home!  

Look for my next post to see which "B"-themed project makes the cut! In the meantime, I'd love to know what your "A" task was. Did having a theme help you decide which Pin to try out first? I know it helped me narrow down my options!

Good luck with your "B"!


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